Thursday, July 21, 2016

Missions Moment: Bill Sybesma, A God Thing

Bill Sybesma comes down to West Virginia with his family, and happily works with our construction team.

A God Thing

"I remember either the first or second year that I came down here. Sitting in the basement (of the church) at night, and just watching the interaction of all the people. And I was so impressed with the young people just playing games and laughing for it seemed like hours. And I realized that my kids were a part of that group. And I thought about how all these kids saw each other every Sunday and never seemed to mix the same way they did, when they got here. It was just a God thing that uses even places like a church basement to bring people together that might not have gotten to know eachother before. Even last night, listening to the laughter in the basement, sometimes the kids got pretty loud. They were just enjoying life, and I just appreciate how God has taught me that different people can get together and love eachother, whether it be in West Virginia or here, wherever we are. That's the lesson I learned."

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