This year, Joe led preparations for our annual picnic held at a local church, and volunteered daily at the basketball camp; his daughter Emma worked in the kitchen.
"You're A Good Guy"
"On Thursday at the BBQ, Heidi came to the prayer tent. Heidi is nine years old. Immediately, I felt the need to speak with her. She did not know the creation story. She did not know Adam and Eve. But she knew the father Abraham song. We sang the "father Abraham had many sons" song twice through. She knew Noah and the flood. Turns out she knew the story of eating the fruit too. I explained that was Adam and Eve. After sharing the gospel, she prayed to accepted the gift of eternal life that Jesus purchased on the cross for us. Singing with her was precious. She pointed to me and exclaimed, 'You're not bad, you're a good guy.' Wanting to keep this precious moment to myself, it just seemed more important to share it after all."