Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Taco Tuesday comes to Webster Springs

A second great day is winding down here, and there's a lot of tired muscles and aching bones in the house.   But the ache pales in comparison with the joy and humility we feel in serving.

Melinda-our homeowner-was invaded for the second time this week with a squad of 25+ builders ready for action. Vinyl siding, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and delivery of goodies for the children... brought blessings to both the givers and recipients. Much progress was made both inside and out under Vic's direction, and just about everyone on the team had swung a hammer by 6pm--even the kitchen help

Paul had an opportunity to spend some time with John, Melinda's father, for the past two days. He was a coal miner and had retired some years ago.  However, when Melinda fell on hard times and financial difficulty because of divorce, he stepped in to help.  Her house was an odd combination of original trailer, with incongruous additions added over the years, but never completed.  A mismatched set of rooms, stairways and doors still had no finished floors, insulation or completed walls--framing without sheetrock had stood for years, and no siding on the outside. With three young children, a large financial burden, and no poor living conditions, Melinda was overwhelmed to the point of desperation. John helped keep the family upright by constructing his own small sawmill to support the family. This week, we saw personally his conviction to do all he can to help Melinda-- John has worked tirelessly alongside our team, and has expressed deep gratitude for our help with accomplishing this dream for his daughter and her family: a decent and safe home.

George spent the day at Hacker Valley today, with one of the Moms from the youth basketball camp--someone he met years ago, and still talks to when we are down here. He was chatting, and mentioned that he was looking for a closing scripture for today's session, and she started talking about her brother Thomas.  It seems Thomas was a coal miner, and one of the men that died in the Sago Mining disaster, leaving behind a wife and 10 year old son. He was a youth paster who did tent revivals and spoke passionately about his savior.  She wanted George to know his favorite scripture was Psalm 91.  After reading it--George decided that was to be his message for the camp that day:

"Abiding in the Shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord that He is my refuge...and my God. In Him will I trust."

The synchronicity was clear. The dangers the coal miners faced DAILY, did not deter them from doing their best work, in the name of the Lord.  In other circumstances--whether trials, or basketball, or  family dysfunction.....the Lord shelters us all, in ALL situations.  He used that to speak to the hearts of the children at the camp-K - 8th, and remind them to seek the Lord and honor Him in all they do.

Finally, Lorenzo claims there was a "Si Sighting" at the town pool today too!! Yes-from Duck Dynasty. Nobody could believe or confirm it was really him, until the photos are still under review!

The relationships we build--one person at a  time, over the course of now 8 years--speak to the realities of all involved.  Not just build buildings. Building bridges...that's closer to home. Ultimately, building relationships....THAT is what these trips are about.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 1: Busy Day

BREAKFAST!!! Mike starts us off well-fed for an early start to the day.  Even at 7 am, 65 people are pretty boisterous in this church hall, and everyone is eager to set about the day.  We'll be reporting in later....
The Rock basketball camp was great today! Many kids came the first day, and many were returners. It was so wonderful being able to see these kids that we have known for years, and hear all about their school year and their sports accomplishments. For the whole basketball camp coaches we consider it a blessing to be able to watch these kids grow through out the years in their playing ability and in their relationship with God. Today camp was filled with drills, plays and conditioning. We also learned about the character of David and why God chose him to be the future king of Israel. 

This week we are focusing on the game within the game, what we do to prepare for the game. We practice, we have to be teachable, we need to practice teamwork, and we need to know the plan. In our lives we need to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding and God will lead us on the right path (Proverbs 3:5-6). We need to follow God so we are where he wants us to be. David's heart was to seek and know God, and God looked at his heart when he chose to appoint him as king. David was able to be courageous, and have great faith to defeat Goliath because he knew how mighty the living God was. 

Despite David's age and appearance God used him to be bold and courageous in his name, and gave him the victory. David's great faith showed in his life when he was facing death and God continued to deliver him. David said that the Lord is his Rock and his deliverer! This same Rock, and deliverer is here with us today. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

We made it!!

We are tired, but made good time, and are finished discussing tomorrow's plan with full bellies.  We have unpacked the trucks and are settling in...

Vic has the materials at the ready for the start of the job site tomorrow.  The BBall team is planning their strategy. Breakfast is sitting waiting for be prepared, and the room is finally quieting down. The short people have already insisted on hitting the custard stand on night one...the rest of us are crawling off to bed.

Good night y'all! See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

2014: World Cup and Local Missions~One Win, One Win:Win

July 20th marks our departure for Webster Springs this year...

ready or not, our southern brothers!  By then we will know which MLS titan will triumph--Netherlands, Argentina or Germany--and will be able to return to rooting for the All-AMERICAN pastime: Baseball.  [July also means preparing our kids for August Football....American style, a la "midget" and school teams. Call me crazy: futbol will never displace these, as long as we drink sweet tea and wear the red, white and blue--both Yanks AND south of the Mason-Dixon line!]

OUR TEAM is getting ready for action. Jimmy Utt has work lined up for us again, and although we will sincerely miss Pete and Donna VanStone leading our team as always, we know the Nepas will lift the banner high, and we will all work and love on others, the way they have come to expect of the Sparta Evangelical/NJ Team.

The word is we have MORE folks on-board for this particular local Missions Trip, than ever before--Praise God! So I, for one, will look forward to great things being accomplished in the name of our Lord.  Please pray with us, in anticipation of this trip, as past trips have certainly had their share of road mishaps and injuries. As we prepare supplies, provisions, vehicles and hearts, we know the enemy would love to thwart our efforts.  However, we also know the Lord overcomes, in the end.

Please follow this blog, as we will add photos, daily updates and prayer requests as our departure nears--we covet your support.

Visit our home church website at